
Processing Grief Alongside our ChildrenIs it cruel to deliberately let your child suffer grief and loss? As parents, shouldn’t we do what we can to shelter them from pain? My wife, Stephanie, has always looked forward to having children. By the time we were married, I’d talked her down to having four (or six). So when the pregnancy test was positive at the end of our first year of marriage, we were ecstatic. Thad was a bright spark of joy in our lives. Then came a few years without another baby. And a few more years. Because having our firstborn was so easy, we never wondered about infertility until we couldn’t
Ian Fraiser, Via

September 12, 2024

The Goal of Parenting is DiscipleshipPsalm 127:4 says children are like arrows. What do we do with arrows? We place them on a bowstring, pull them back, take aim and let them go. Where are you aiming your children? What is your target? In talking with Christian parents, we’ve discovered multiple targets. “I just want peace and harmony in my home,” one parent says when complaining about how her children fight. “I am tired of doing it all,” another parent says about the lack of help her older kids give her with daily chores. “I am trying to help my children discover what they are really good at
Alicia Bennett, Mobilizer Mom

August 20, 2024

Faith Legacy: My Grandfather Still Inspires MeWhen I graduated from seminary, my aunt sent me a gift that quickly became one of my most prized possessions. When the package arrived, I had no idea what it was. Once opened, the box revealed a recognizable leather-bound Bible that once belonged to my granddad. Four years before I received this package, Granddad went to be with the Lord. During his life, most people knew my granddad as “Dr. Trimble.” He served his community as a surgeon and family practitioner for many decades. My granddad loved Jesus and sought to tell others about him as often as he could. He used his medical p
Frank Trimble, Family Time Training

August 10, 2024

Family Mission Trips: Prepping for Impact“Uh oh,” I thought, looking up the hill. “Thad has no idea what we’re about to see.” I glanced quickly around the parking lot, the Thai heat pressing in around us, and squatted down in front of my son. “Hey, buddy. So we’re about to see some people worshiping in really different ways than we’re used to, and it might be a little scary. Buddhists don’t worship the true God—in fact, they don’t really worship a god at all…”  I gave a quick run-down of the Buddhist faith, trying to keep it simple without missing a
Ian Fraiser, Via

July 17, 2024

Using the Olympics to Shape Your Child’s WorldviewAs believers in Jesus Christ, raising our children with a biblical worldview should be one of our top parenting priorities! Knowing how to use both everyday moments of life (mealtime, academics, sports, activities) and unique events that disrupt the normal (personal family tragedy, local opportunity to serve others less fortunate, world event) to talk to our kids about God is important… because how our children process and interpret these events, both small and big, will shape their worldview. Our worldview is the lens through which we view our immediate circumstances and the world a
Alicia Bennett, Mobilizer Mom

July 09, 2024

10 Globally-Inspired Recipes for Your Family’s TableAs we continue to celebrate Via Families’ 10th anniversary, we’d like to share with your family 10 simple recipes from unreached people groups around the world. Within each group are families created and loved by God who have yet to hear the good news of Jesus.  As you taste these new foods, take some time to learn about the people and places they represent. Then pray together as a family for these people groups to come to know Jesus as Savior. Buckwheat Pancakes Nosu of China  Nian Gao, Sticky Rice Cakes  Bouyei of Southeast Asia Chai
By: Tamara D

June 18, 2024

Meet the AcehneseHelp your family embrace God’s love for the world by developing a habit of learning about other cultures. Read this story together to learn about and pray for the Acehnese (ah-chuh-NEEZ), an unreached people group in Indonesia.  Welcome to the island of Sumatra in Indonesia! Waves lick the feet of children playing with gray pebbles on the sandy beach. Pineapple trees with thick, crooked trunks line the shore. A red and blue fishing boat sways on the turquoise water. Men gather on the beach to sort large fish into big, plastic containers. Smoke from the grills of vendors roasting
Jenny Marcelene

June 10, 2024

Breath Prayer: Helping Kids Manage Big FeelingsAs parents, we’ve all probably had the experience of watching our child work through big feelings. Perhaps it’s a tearful meltdown. An angry outburst. Or a moody sulking.  To us as adults, the circumstances triggering and surrounding these big feelings seem insignificant sometimes—perhaps even silly. But emotional displays like this are flashing indicator lights of something else going on beneath the surface, something that our children need our help navigating. Fear. Shame. Doubt. Anxiousness.  Navigating emotions takes practice—and as parents, one of o
Bethany Leong

May 20, 2024

Family Worship: What’s Your Format?Christian parents are eager to see their children come to faith in Christ. A warm home environment and an overt love for the Lord, on the part of the parents, are paramount. However, what could be suggested as a next step? If you’re in this spot as a parent, family worship may be a great way to continue your family discipleship journey. For years, our organization has trained parents on what it takes to meet regularly with their families to worship God together. We call it Family Time. In many of our training experiences, we advocate for the Family Time Format, showing parents how to in
Frank Trimble, Family Time Training

May 10, 2024

What is an Unreached People Group?As a child, I grew up learning about missions from a young age. My parents often shared how people in other countries did not have a Bible or church or would be persecuted if they chose to follow Christ. It wasn’t until I was in my thirties that I met someone who had never heard about Jesus. Sitting next to each other on a plane, we started talking about work and life. While I was talking with her, I realized that she had no idea who Jesus was. It was a surreal experience; I felt as if I was talking with someone from another world. This encounter opened my eyes and broke my heart for the
Marleen Mortin, Operation Mobilisation

April 20, 2024

Explore: VaisakhiExploring traditions from other cultures is one way to expand your family’s view of the world and cultivate a heart for the peoples that God loves. Learn about Vaisakhi  (vu-SAH-kee), the most important holiday of the year for Sikhs (seeks). Celebrated annually on April 13 or 14, Vaisakhi (vu-SAH-kee) is similar in significance to Christmas or Easter among Christians. There are 28 million Sikhs worldwide—making the Sikh religion the fifth largest in the world! The majority of Sikhs live in the Punjab region of northern India. Sikhs believe only one God exists and that all rel
Jenny Marcelene

April 10, 2024

Responding to RamadanFrom March 10-April 9, Muslims around the world observe their holy month of Ramadan (RAH-muh-dahn). With your family, learn about and pray for Muslims during this period of fasting when many are seeking God in deeper ways. Read the story below. Then choose from the suggested activities to go deeper in learning about and praying for Muslims during Ramadan. Hamid (hah-MEED) excitedly follows his father and older brothers to the mosque. He has joined in prayer with them before, but this time is different. At age 12, he is finally old enough to participate fully in the fast of Ramadan (RAH-muh-da
Karen Hardin, Via

March 20, 2024

Navigating Hard Things: Lessons from EstherMoving 2,000 miles across the country took its toll on our family. Starting over was hard for my husband and me, but even more so for our then-8-year-old son. Leaving behind a life he loved, with friends he cherished, and a school he thrived in, hurt. Rather than a smooth landing in our new town, that first year threatened to crash our boat onto the rocky shoreline. Life is filled with challenges and unexpected twists. Learning to navigate hard things as a family is not as simple as following a paint-by-numbers kit. But we can glean truth from Scripture to help our family walk through the ups
Jenny Marcelene

March 10, 2024

10 Worship Songs for Your Family’s PlaylistIn honor of Via Families’ 10th anniversary year, we’d like to introduce your family to 10 worship songs you should know about. God is worthy of our worship! He desires the worship of our families, our churches and the nations. We sing of God’s might, holiness, justice, and love, but how often do we sing about his heart for the nations? Let’s give God the praise he deserves as he fulfills his mission to be known and worshiped by people from every nation, tribe and tongue.  We invite you to listen to, learn and sing these 10 worship songs with your family. The ly
Mindy Christensen, Via

February 20, 2024

It Starts with MeAs Christian parents, we would love a guarantee, a promise that our children will follow Jesus with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. But God doesn’t guarantee a specific outcome. He does promise to guide us (Psalm 48:14). He promises that he hears our prayers and answers them (1 John 5:14-15). He promises to guard his faithful ones (1 Samuel 2:9). And he promises he will save those who call upon him (Joel 2:32).  We would love a formula, a step-by-step guide to follow that leads to our children walking with Jesus. But God doesn’t give us a specific formula to follow
Alicia Bennett, Mobilizer Mom

February 12, 2024

Embracing God’s Global Plan Through World Christian HabitsGod’s mission has already begun, and your invitation to join him has arrived. Since the beginning, God has been at work fulfilling his mission to make himself known and worshiped among all nations. He invites and prepares all believers to join him in accomplishing this global plan–this includes you and your family. God placed you in your church, workplace, school, and neighborhood for the role he has designed for you. He’s given you abilities, interests, and heart desires. God even created your unique family for a specific purpose. Whether you are three or 103, you can accep
Danielle Brown, Via

January 20, 2024

Meet the BambaraCome with me to the middle valley of the Niger (nee-ZHER) River in Mali (MAH-lee), where bright yellow, white and purple blooms gently sway among the feathery grasses. Scattered across this green valley are Bambara (BOM-buh-ruh) villages. Each one is made up entirely of an extended family. Here the children are taught Islamic beliefs as well as traditional practices like ancestor worship. No one has told them that Jesus died to remove sin and intercedes for them. Look!. See that little girl standing near a bushy mango tree…   Hello! Welcome to my village. My name is Pemba (PEH-Mba
Danielle Brown, Via

January 10, 2024

Links of BlessingHave you ever noticed that many Christmas decorations consist of individual items linked together? Strings of twinkling lights, shiny tinsel, and colorful beads crown our mantles and wind around our trees. Chains of popcorn, cranberries and paper add a homespun touch. The Advent season itself involves links–links of blessing that began with God’s promise to bless all nations through Abraham and his children: “In you and your descendants shall all the families of the earth be blessed.”           -Genesis 28:15  God’s blessing
Karen Hardin, Via

December 20, 2023

Navigating Pain as a Family using Biblical Lament We’d like to introduce you to one of our newest guest authors, Bethany Leong. Bethany is a regular, everyday mom. Her favorite job is being a mom to her twins, but she also works as a freelance writer at     I will never forget those early days holding my tiny babies in my arms as a new mama.  They awoke in me an intense and overwhelming love—and also an instinctual ferocity to protect. Oh how I longed to shield them from every pain, every disappointment, every heartache.  And yet, keeping our children from pain in this broken worl
Bethany Leong

December 10, 2023

Live Out God's Work: Advent Prayers for the NationsThe countdown to Christmas is on! Focus your children on the birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world. Make an Advent Prayer Chain with your family and intercede for unreached peoples living in cultures where the gospel has not yet penetrated.
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